You know who you are, but I'll throw you on here anyway.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you shouldn't be here looking!
Lucia aka Luch the Hooch,
Hey girl, so hows it been...since you had to leave
so soon things were just starting to get a lil more interesting n you could have continued things with that guy lol but hey
it was great while it lasted eh?! n besides i guess you'd hafta leave eventually even tho we all wish you wouldn't hafta.
So anywho wow we've had alot of great tymes to remember eh like that tyme we were making fun of turtles lol or throwing cherioes
at toby or even English class with Carmicheal. And then there was this summer at the courts n in B.c. with all those guys
n especial those two we had some fun with lol. so Sushi eh..did you end up finding any? wow there was also that nite where
we were supose to be at chiadz place for 9 but got distracted by that stupid yet great sprinkle. Full moons make girls horny
eh n i spear that sprinkler is magic cuz everytyme i'm in it something good happens. Well i can go on for
ever listing our great tymes but you kno what i'm talking about so i'll stop for now n add more later so i would just like
to say one last thing starting with thanx hun for being there for me even when i was wrong n hope you'll be there for many
years to come n many more memories together.... B.c. n all. PS stay away from the sprinkler at ten o clock n espacialy
during a full moon, since it makes girlz horny. xoxo bfffl PPS I know wht you did last summer! wink wink adding on to b4.....And
once we thought ur mistake was forgotten..it was brought up agian n this tyme with much more troubles to follow but don't
worry hunni i'll help you get through it jsut like you helped me get through my probs last year n this year especially with
that guy.