Irish Honey

AlL aBoUt MoI

GuEsT bOoK
AlL aBoUt MoI
ShOuToUtS tO aLl Ma PeOpLe
FrIeNdS pIcS
FrIeNdS pIcS 2
FrIeNdS pIcS 3 - B.C.
FrIeNdS pIcS 4
CelEb PiCs
Tupac Shakur

Here's more than you probably want to know about me...

Thanx for checking out my site. Here i'm gonna tell you a bit about myself i'll try and keep it short. So lets start with my family... It's well.... something else and my parents are divorced which i have the worst time dealing with it but i've gotten used to it now  (finally) and getting through it pretty well with the help of a few of my closer friends. 
So yea i've had a great time at St.Pauls and some Bad times i actually considered not filling out my transfer so i'd get stuck going to Trinity cuz thats where i'm supose to be going but Everyones gotten better n i've delt with my probs so now as far as i kno we're all good. Ya i kno we all have our problems in life n its jsut  few speed bumps that i had to get over n now i have i kno there'll be tons more ahead in lyfe n i kno i'llbe able to get over those ones too, with the help of my friends n family of course.


I'm glad i stayed at s.t.p cuz i'd miss so many ppl and be so lost lol even though i kno ppl at Trinity it just wouldn't be the same. 
A few things that i  love are things like sports but yet i don't play any I just love to pass the football or soccer ball around, I'll also shoot hoops for fun.  I don't play on any speacial team but thats just not my thing. Yet don't get me wrong I Love football n i don't miss any NFL game Especially Oakland Raiders ( the best team ever ).


I also love to just chat on the phone or computer (msn) or basically jsut hang around with my friends most of the tyme its wuth my B.C. Peeps. Omg i don't kno wht i would do without them. all of them have got my bak through good n bad. Thats where i've spent alot of my summer so far Great tymes with luch n katie (miss ya lots Luch) already looking forward for nxt summer.  B.C. i still my home even tho i'm a Kanata girl now. To many good tymes at the courts n Franco.
Well thats enough for now but i'll be adding n updating anything i need to so keep looking n make sure to come bak soon. hope you like my stuff. xoxo lotsa love to ya'll.


FaV sTuFf

 Favorite TV Show: (I've got plenty so just chill n read) General Hospital, O.C., Gilmore Girls and Friends,  Law and Order , C.S.I, Family Guy n the Simpsons.
Favorite Movie: To many to name but recently i liked A cinderella Story mainly bcuz of CMM(anytihng Horror or Comedy)
Favorite Book: Worlds Worst Fairy Godmother

Favorite Sports Team: OAKLAND RAIDERS

Favorite Food: Anything my Daddy makes lol but espcially Shephards Pie

FaV qUoTeS

  • I wanna be the girl he sees in the hall, turns to his friends and says," YEAH! That's her!"
  • im not a tease im just a reminder of what you cant have
  • wHaT? YoU tHiNk Im SEXY! iTz Ok....SO DO I
  • Milk does the body good but DAMN how much did you drink.
  • I'm the sweetest thang that you'll ever know.... So baby never let me go

    NoThiN iS mOrE pAiNfuL Then ReALiZiN He MenT eVeRyThiN 2 u,& u MenT nOtHiN 2 HiM
  • 15 minutes of pleasure... 9 months of pain... 48 hours of labor... and a baby boi with no last name 
  • I lost my number could i have urs?
  • Liked by sum, Hated by few, Hugged by many and Loved by you!
  • I lost my teddy bear.....could i sleep with you?
  • I might be sexy I might be sweet but without you i'm incomplete.
  • Whenr i see him i melt, When i tlak to him i don't want nuthing else but if this is how i feel about him then why doesn't he feeel the same?
